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Home Groups

What are home groups?
​A home group is a small gathering (between 6 to 12 people) that meets on a regular basis to “do life” together. It is an effective way for everyone to feel personally connected to the church community and to learn and grow in faith in an intimate and supportive environment.
What happens in a home group?​
Each group is unique but a typical meeting lasts approximately 60 minutes and will include the following, which may not be in this particular order:
Welcome (10mins)
Person to person - A time to meet new people and interact. Snacks and refreshments are often served at this time.
Worship (10mins)
Us to God - A time of singing, reading a passage from the Bible that praise God or taking time as a group to thank God for His help in the past week.
Word (30-40mins)
God to us - This is NOT the group leader teaching or preaching to the group. It is a time where we read the Bible together and everyone shares their thoughts or asks questions. 
The group leader facilitates this discussion time and keeps it on track and on time.

Work (15-20mins)
God through us - This is a time where we share our prayer requests and pray for each other. It is also a time of sharing the vision for upcoming events, needs in the group etc.
Following the typical 60 minutes people are free to leave. At times, some may stay back to fellowship; however it is important to be sensitive to the host home schedule. This is especially true if host home has children or an early morning work schedule.
What are the benefits of joining a small group?
• You will understand the Bible better.
• You will begin to really feel like part of God’s family
• Prayer will become more meaningful to you.
• You will be able to handle stress and pressure better
• Sharing Christ with your friend, relatives and work associates becomes easier.
• You will develop leadership skills.
• You will deepen your relationship with God
• You will deepen your understanding of worship.
• You will become a New Testament believer in the real sense of it.
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