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Our Philosophy of Ministry




Community - Relationship: This is the heartbeat of the church. 

Jesus stressed the need to love God and love people. So we’ll continue to develop a culture of blessing one another in a place where people can learn the good news, belong to a community that is learning to live by that good news and together become a living example of it.

Communion - Spiritual growth is a life long process and requires us to be in a place of discovery. 

So we as a church will strive to be continually connected to the one who can transform our inmost character, Jesus Christ. We’ll try to find more opportunities for allowing people to learn and live with Jesus in the smaller group settings. (Men, women, small groups, Open houses, Alpha etc.)

Commission - Our life purpose is to pass this gift of grace on to others. As a church we believe every believer is called to help spread this good news of Jesus Christ. We believe ministry belongs to everyone not just the “pastor”. We will make every effort to provide exercises in Kingdom living as we provide opportunities to get involved in local ministry works. 


Encouraging and equipping people to be Kingdom living focus in regards to stewardship and Mission.


Imagine...a place where you are welcomed and where warm, friendly people greet you and help you find your way.

Imagine...a place where you and your children can develop lasting friendships and feel like part of a close family.

Imagine...a place where you can be encouraged and find answers to your deepest questions.

Imagine...a place where the teachings are relevant and sound and the  music is meaningful and uplifting,

Imagine...a place where you can go and be accepted just as you are.

Imagine...a place where you have an opportunity to develop your gifts and talents.

You don’t have to imagine anymore. House of Praise Church is Here and we will continue to be committed to these!

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The Purposes of a Healthy Church
Every church is driven by something, but for a church to be healthy it must be a church with heavenly focus, built on the New Testament commandments given by Jesus. At House of Praise Church we seek to be driven by the principles of the Scripture “to love mercy, to seek justice and to walk humbly before our God” based on the redemptive act of Jesus Christ.

We are committed to a ministry model of worship, fellowship, discipleship, witness, and prayer. Our commitment to the great Commandment and great Commission will produce a great church.

The church exists to:
Community – Relationship, Communion - Spiritual growth in fellowship, Commission – Outreach/Go

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